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The Top 20 Best College Majors for Introverts

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Choosing the right college major is a decision that will impact the rest of your life. Major in the wrong thing and you could end up in a career you hate or one that doesn’t pay very well. The decision is complicated for introverts who prefer to work alone as much as possible.

The best college majors for introverts are those that lead to careers that allow them to do their jobs with minimal contact with others. There are many career possibilities that fit this description. Also, many companies now offer work-from-home opportunities that are ideal for introverts.

The following majors are my personal picks that I believe are best for introverts. I tried to pick the majors that lead to careers with as little interaction with people as possible. The majors in this list are my opinion only – it’s very important that you do your own research before selecting a major.

Regarding being around others, some of the majors in this list will require more interaction than others. There are a lot of variables to consider including the company you work for, what your duties are, and other factors. Also, some of these careers require graduate degrees, some require a bachelor’s degree, and some require only a certificate or associate’s degree.

Here then are my picks for the top 20 best college degrees for introverts.

1. English

A great major for introverts who love the written word is English. In this major, students study English composition and the rules of grammar. Many English degree programs also include courses on literature. You could end up reading the great books, books from certain historical periods, and even books from other cultures.

Some English majors take jobs working for companies writing marketing materials. They are often referred to as copywriters or business writers. Examples of writing projects they may work on include websites, white papers, case studies, blog posts, articles, email messages, social media posts, and other things.

If you are thinking about majoring in English to become a business writer, an option to consider is to strike out on your own as a freelance writer. The great thing about freelancing is that you have a great deal of flexibility in your schedule and you can also work from home.

Another advantage of being a freelance writer is that you don’t even need a college degree to succeed in the business. You do need to be a good writer, of course, and you need to learn how to effectively market your services.

2. Accounting

Accounting is a very diverse field. Accounting majors could end up working for a CPA firm, for a corporation, or for the government. It’s also possible to specialize in an area of accounting like corporate accounting, non-profit accounting, auditing, and taxation.

How much interaction with people you have as an accountant depends on a variety of factors like where you work and what your role is within the organization. Many accountants spend a lot of their time working alone preparing tax documents, financial reports, and other things.

It’s possible to get started working in the field of accounting with an associate’s degree in accounting, although having a bachelor’s degree in the field is the most common path. Accountants who have passed the CPA exam tend to have a higher earnings potential than those who work without professional certification.

Another option to explore if you are interested in working as an accountant but you prefer to work alone is to start your own bookkeeping service where you work from home. Many people have built thriving bookkeeping businesses, and you don’t need any formal education to get started.

Bookkeeper Launch is an online program that teaches you how to start and run a virtual bookkeeping business from home. The program teaches you how to attract and land clients, how to grow your business, and other important things you’ll need to know to be successful.

Check out Bookkeeper Launch to learn more about how to start and run a virtual bookkeeping business.

3. Library and Information Science

Librarians are responsible for keeping track of all library resources that are loaned out. In addition to keeping track of books, librarians also keep track of audio/visual resources, magazines, and other resources.

Librarians may also assist in research, order new library resources, and work with archives. There are also some specialized librarians, like law school librarians, who assist law students with research.

Librarians can be found working in different environments including public libraries, school libraries, government agencies, museums, and other places.

To become a librarian, you typically need a degree in library and information science. Some schools offer bachelor’s degrees in library and information science, while other schools offer it as a master’s degree.

4. Finance

In some ways, finance is similar to accounting – but there are differences. Whereas accounting majors tend to do work in recording transactions, financial reporting, taxation, and auditing, finance majors tend to work in business analytics, financial planning, and other related areas.

Many finance majors work for large corporations, but they can also be found working for smaller organizations, like companies that help people plan for their retirements.

A bachelor’s degree in finance is typically required to start working in the field. Similar to working in the field of accounting, those who hold professional certifications like Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA), Certified Financial Planner (CFP), and others tend to earn more than those without professional certifications.

5. Information Technology

Information technology is a field of study that focuses on the technical aspects of computers. This is a broad field that covers many different technologies. Degree programs may include courses in programming, technology management, computer networks, and related subjects.

Graduates of information technology degree programs can be found working for many different companies, non-profit organizations, and government agencies. Just a few careers that information technology graduates can pursue include:

  • Information systems management
  • Software engineering
  • Computer hardware engineering
  • Database administration
  • Computer network administration
  • Computer support

Information technology majors often work by themselves when troubleshooting computer problems, setting up computer networks, and managing information systems. However, they also sometimes work as part of a team and may need to collaborate with others on projects.

Many positions in information technology require a bachelor’s degree in the field, although some may only require an associate’s degree. Many positions may also require applicants to have certain IT certifications.

6. Information Security

Information security is a field of technology that focuses on protecting information and reducing risks. With the prevalence of hacking, identity theft, ransomware, and other cybercrimes, information security is something that many companies these days take very seriously. As such, they need specialists who are trained in the protection of data and the prevention of unauthorized access to data.

Information security specialists can be found working in businesses of all sizes. They can also be found working for non-profit and government agencies and the military.

A bachelor’s degree in information security is often required for many positions, although some positions may only require an associate’s degree.

7. Computer Science

In many ways, computer science is very similar to information technology. Computer science graduates often work in jobs designing computer systems and software, dealing with complex algorithms, and working to solve computational problems. Computer science degrees usually require courses in the hard sciences like mathematics and computer programming languages.

Computer science majors work for many different companies, non-profit organizations, government agencies, and the military. A bachelor’s degree in computer science is typically required for many positions, and professional certifications may also be necessary.

8. Actuary Science

Actuaries are commonly employed by insurance companies to manage risk. They use their analytical skills to help the companies they work for plan for the future and minimize loss.

An insurance company that offers vehicle insurance, for example, must determine how much to charge someone who applies for coverage. This is where actuaries come in. An actuary will assess an applicant’s driving history, age, and other factors to determine how much risk the company will be taking on by insuring that person.

Although being an actuary isn’t on many people’s radars, it’s a career worth considering if you are good at math and analyzing things. Actuaries are nearly always in demand, the starting salary is great, and the salary has the potential to double within the first five years of employment.

To become an actuary, you must have a bachelor’s degree. Some colleges and universities offer degree programs in actuary science, but it’s possible to become an actuary as a graduate of a different degree program. The important thing is to make sure you take courses that are relevant to the career including computer science, statistics, calculus, and economics.

After acquiring a bachelor’s degree, you must pass a series of exams to obtain the necessary certification to work as an actuary and advance in the profession. Some people choose to start taking the certification exams while they are still in college.

9. Marketing

Marketing is another one of the best college majors for introverts to consider. Marketing is all around us. We are constantly bombarded by advertisements to buy things through TV commercials, product placements in movies, advertisements on the internet, and in other ways.

And it takes an army of marketing professionals to create all of those ads.

This is a great major for those who are highly creative. Marketing professionals use the “psychology of persuasion” to attract people’s attention and to gently convince them to buy whatever product or service is being sold.

Most marketing jobs require at least a bachelor’s degree in marketing. In addition to creating ads, marketing professionals also develop marketing strategies, coordinate marketing campaigns, manage marketing budgets, report on the effectiveness of marketing promotions, and do other things.

10. Engineering

Engineering is a very broad subject, and students typically major in one of many engineering disciplines. Engineering majors you can pursue include civil, electrical, petroleum, aerospace, biomedical, chemical, nuclear, industrial, and others.

Engineers are employed by many different companies. There are many civil engineering firms, for example, that design water and sewer systems, roads, and other things that help hold our communities together. Another example is aerospace engineers who work for large companies designing the airliners that allow us to quickly travel to and from various places all around the world.

Most consider engineering to be a difficult major due to the many science and math courses that are required. Nevertheless, it can lead to a lucrative and personally rewarding career.

11. Data Science

Data science is another interesting major for introverts to consider. It’s a discipline that combines data analysis, statistics, machine learning, and other related fields to analyze data and understand various things in society.

Data science is something that many businesses are very interested in. Large corporations use data science, for example, to analyze and interpret consumers’ buying habits. And machine learning is now used by tech companies to create algorithms that automate many facets of our lives.

A bachelor’s degree in data science is required by many companies. Depending on the school you attend, required courses may include data analytics, statistics, machine learning, data mining, and others.

12. Veterinary Medicine

Are you someone who loves animals? As an introvert, perhaps you prefer the company of a few furry friends instead of people. If so, pursuing a degree in veterinary medicine might be a good option.

Working as a veterinarian is a very interesting career where every day is unique.

Veterinarians are trained to treat illnesses and do surgeries on many different kinds of animals. The training and career are diverse. One day you could be doing surgery on a dog to repair a fracture, the next you could be treating a horse for a ligament injury.

Veterinary medicine is typically studied at the graduate level as a doctoral program. You will need to first earn a bachelor’s degree and meet all of the entrance requirements of the school you plan on attending. Competition for positions in veterinary medicine programs is strong. Because of this, you will need excellent grades and test scores to be admitted to a program.

13. Air Traffic Management

Air traffic controllers are needed at airports with commercial flights to make sure all aircraft can take off, land, and navigate in the area around them safely. They are the unsung heroes of the aviation world.

They also earn a lot of money. According to an article in Forbes, the average annual salary for air traffic controllers in the United States is $120,000.

Technically, you don’t need a college degree to become an air traffic controller, although there are colleges and universities that offer degree programs in the field. To qualify for an air traffic controller training program, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Be no older than 30 years old
  • Be a United States citizen
  • Meet the education and experience requirements

The education and experience requirements can be met in several ways, but one option is to complete the FAA’s Air Traffic-Collegiate Training Initiative (AT-CTI) program and obtain an official recommendation from the training program you attended.

14. Aeronautical Science

Are you an aviation aficionado? Do you always look up to the sky whenever an airplane flies overhead? If you are passionate about flying, perhaps a career as an airline pilot is worth exploring.

To become a pilot, you don’t need a college degree, you just need to go through a pilot training program and pass all of your written, oral, and performance exams. Most airlines these days, however, do require applicants for pilot positions to have a bachelor’s degree in any field of study.

Aspiring pilots usually obtain their ratings one at a time, starting with the private pilot license, then the commercial, and finally obtaining the coveted airline transport pilot rating. Additional training and ratings airline pilots obtain include the instrument rating, multi-engine rating, flight instructor rating, and others. After being hired by an airline, additional training is then required to become type rated in the specific aircraft the pilot will be operating.

Becoming an airline pilot is a long and challenging process, and the training never ends. Even after obtaining all of your ratings and receiving training on the aircraft you will be flying, you will still need to go through periodic refresher training to make sure your skills stay sharp.

Another thing to consider with a career as an airline pilot is that pilots must pass a rigorous periodic medical exam. If something happens and you don’t pass your medical, there is a chance that your career as a pilot may be over – just something to think about.

Some colleges and universities offer degree programs in aeronautical science. In these programs, students receive pilot training and earn ratings, but they also study other subjects like meteorology, aviation safety, and aviation management.

15. Medical Technology

Medical technologists are those who work in medical laboratories performing various tests on bodily fluids that doctors order to see if there is a medical problem of some kind. Medical technologists work in laboratories in hospitals, clinics, doctor’s offices, and in other places.

To become a medical technologist, you must complete either an associate’s or bachelor’s degree in the field. Some states also require medical technologists to become licensed by passing an exam and receive continuing education to keep the license.

Associate’s degrees in medical technology are offered at many community colleges that prepare people for entry-level jobs. Bachelor’s degrees in the field are offered by four-year colleges and universities that provide additional training beyond the associate’s degree.

16. Respiratory Therapy

Respiratory therapists are medical professionals who treat patients who have illnesses of the lungs or difficulty breathing. They work in hospitals, sleep centers, outpatient facilities, and other places.

Respiratory therapy programs are offered at many community colleges at the associate’s degree level. After earning a degree in the field, you must pass a certification exam. You must also apply for and obtain a license from the state you want to practice in.

After completing an associate’s degree in respiratory therapy, some choose to continue their education by earning a bachelor’s degree in the field.

17. Automotive Technology

Auto mechanics are highly-skilled people who repair and maintain vehicles. The work they do is critical. Without mechanics, it wouldn’t be possible for us to travel to and from our jobs and to other places.

Auto mechanics often work for vehicle dealers, but they can also be found working for independent vehicle repair companies. Some auto mechanics also strike out on their own and open their own garages.

Auto mechanics is taught at many technical and vocational schools and community colleges. Depending on the school, it may be possible to earn either a certificate or associate’s degree in the subject.

Technically, a certificate or degree from a school is not required to become a mechanic, although employers may favor those who have completed a formal education program. It depends on the employer. Some larger shops, for example, may have policies where they require all of their mechanics to have at least a two-year degree.

Before you can obtain a mechanic license, you must participate in an apprenticeship which may take anywhere from 2-5 years to complete. After completing an apprenticeship, you must then take and pass the ASE automotive technician certification exam.

After passing the ASE automotive technician certification exam, you will then be a journeyman mechanic. By obtaining more experience and education, it’s possible to go on to become a master mechanic.

18. Aviation Maintenance

There are approximately 5,000 aircraft flying in the skies above us at any given time. And there is a strong demand for those who are trained to maintain all of the airliners, military aircraft, and private aircraft that move both people and cargo all around the world.

Aircraft mechanics can be found working for large airliners, for small companies that specialize in light aircraft, for the military, and some even choose to open aircraft repair businesses of their own.

Aviation maintenance is taught at many technical and community colleges. Graduates of these programs are trained in aeronautics, airframe structures, airframe systems, electrical systems, piston engines, jet engines, and other things.

FAA certified aircraft mechanics are known as A&P mechanics. A&P refers to “airframe and powerplant.” To become an A&P mechanic, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Be at least 18 years old
  • Graduate from an FAA-approved school
  • Pass the FAA’s written, oral, and practical exams

Instead of attending an FAA-approved school, it’s also possible to become an A&P mechanic by obtaining at least 30 months of on-the-job experience working on both airframes and powerplants.

19. Plumbing

Plumbing may not be at the top of everyone’s career list, but it’s a steady job that’s always in-demand. There will always be a need for plumbers to fix leaky faucets, unclog pipes, install bathtubs and sinks, repair pipes, and do other things.

Plumbing is taught at many technical and community colleges. Depending on the school, it’s possible to earn either a certificate or associate’s degree in plumbing.

It’s also possible to become a plumber by completing an apprenticeship that combines both classroom instruction and paid on-the-job training. Trade unions and employers usually sponsor apprenticeships. Since most apprenticeships require the completion of 2,000 hours of training and instruction, it may take up to five years to complete one of these programs.

Plumbers are also required in most states to have a license. Depending on where you live, you may be required to pass an exam to acquire the license.

20. Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Maintenance

We live in a climate-controlled world. Thanks to modern heat pumps, we can now stay comfortable all year long. No more freezing in the winter or burning up during the summer months.

HVAC technicians install and repair heating and air conditioning units. They work on HVAC units in homes, offices, hospitals, schools, government agencies, and for other organizations.

HVAC technicians may work for a company or as an independent repair person. It’s also worth noting that the acronym HVAC/R is sometimes used instead of HVAC because many technicians also repair refrigeration systems.

Most HVAC technicians complete formal training in the field. Many technical and vocational schools and community colleges offer either certificates or associate’s degrees in HVAC maintenance. Depending on the school you attend, you can earn either a certificate or associate’s degree. Some certificate programs can be completed in as little as six months.

Depending on the state you live in, it may also be possible to become an HVAC repairman through on-the-job training or an apprenticeship. It’s also important to point out that some states require professional licensing before an HVAC technician can start working.

Great Careers — No Degree Required

There’s a lot of variety in the majors mentioned in this article – from careers that require graduate degrees to careers that only require certificates and associate’s degrees. There’s something for everyone.

If you are an introvert (like me), the best college major is going to be a very personal decision. Not all careers are a good fit for everyone. Not all people are cut out to be actuaries, for example – I know I’m not.

When considering the best college major for your personal skills, talents, and abilities, you definitely want to take the time to study each major you are considering in-depth and learn everything you can about it before making a decision.

Does the major lead to a good job?

It’s not a question to be taken lightly. It’s truly perplexing how many people go through college and rack up a mountain of student loan debt without taking the time to consider the career prospects for the field.

Finally, before you choose a major, take some time to talk to people who have completed the major you are considering. Ask them if they would choose the same major if they could do things over again. Their answers could be enlightening.

Choosing a college major is one of the most important decisions you’ll ever make in life. Take your time while considering your options and do your homework to see if there is a demand for people in the fields you are considering. This is a decision you don’t want to get wrong.

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